Friday 16 November 2012

Lately I read something by D.H. Lawrence posted by an internet-friend of mine - and I truly feel, that I could have written that, had I had the skills!

Here you are:


Kill money, put money out of existence.
It is a perverted instinct, a hidden thought
which rots the brain, the blood, the bones, the stones, the soul.

Make up your mind about it:
that society must establish itself upon a different principle
from the one we've got now.

We must have the courage of mutual trust.
We must have the modesty of simple living.
And the individual must have his house, food and fire all free like a bird

D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

Long time, no see! ;-)

Hi out there!

I'm still alive though I haven't written anything for a long time - had a lot to do.

During the past year I have become a mother-in-law of a beautiful daughter-in-law from another country and also a granny, 2 major changes in my life. All of a sudden I see life from a different angle!

Quite wonderful and scary!!!

Friday 26 August 2011

I wish the world was only love - I wish I was watching it all from above.
I wish the world could only see that we are all one and free.

Love for you, love for me, love for the universe

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Yesterday was the anniversary for the liberation of Denmark from being occupied by the German Naziregime - and a blogger wrote about it.

"Tonight I lit about a thousand candles and put them in all the windows, in all wings of the house. Out of some form of respect for what people I know went through due to the widespread cowardice and apathy during that era.

You can do it too, go now, go – put a candle in the window, and think of my family members who never surrendered to the Nazis of that time, and who were brave long before the freaking cavalry arrived in all their glory."

To that I will only add:

Light a candle every night - for the victims of wars, natural disasters, financial crises - and all others not able to clutch a straw to survive.
Make a wish for the world to become a better place - every day.
No matter what beliefs,religion or political opinions you have; if you care for your fellow human beings, just do it!

And continue the fight for freedom every day!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

The past days have been strange, considering all the deaths this spring in my "family" in Thylejren. It really makes you think about what to do here in life!
Are you just following the daily routines, you have become used to - and forgetting about your dreams?
Or do you take a break and reconsider, how to make your dreams come true before it's too late?

Whether decision you come to of course depends on who you are as a person - but for myself I can only say, that my dream of seeing more of the world has just become strengthened by the events.

First of all I want to see the land of my common-law husband, namely Scotland. Although I will never become a mountain climber, there are so many beautiful places to go for an ordinary Dane like me.
Second, I won't be stuck in my present job, as it is too stressful. Once I have paid my debts, which aren't many, I might become a free-lancer, that is, I will only work, when I want to. Maybe I will even try to find a job in Scotland for a while.

What your dreams are, I don't know - but don't postpone them!
Live your life fully and freely - instead of being enslaved by a system, keeping you down with debts and regulations!

As some wise person once said to me: "Free birds fly - clipped ones yearn!"

Saturday 24 April 2010

Today is a very sad day. One of my dear friends and neighbours gave up fighting the cancer.
And he wasn't the first this year!

Thinking of the friends, who already passed away, I feel thoughtful - when am I leaving this world?

And then I think : Did I do anything to make my fellow human beings feel good today?
Did I remember to encourage someone - to comfort a fellow being in need of it?
Did I myself remember to live today?

Sorry for not cheering you up today - I will try to make it up to you later!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

I did it! ;-)

As this is the first time I am writing a blog in English, I will try to introduce myself.

I am a woman at my best age living a simple life in the countryside of Denmark.
The place where I live is called Thylejren and here is a very brief description of it:

Thylejren (the Thy Camp) is a free place in the sense that it contains Life, displays Life, it's complications, it's developments. It's got space for odd characters, imaginative artists, caring mothers and fathers, shamans, horsewomen - and much more! It is both part of Denmark and the society we all are part of, and at the same time withdrawn from the unconscious consumer's race and "samtalekøkkenkultur"!

Thylejren is owned by the association "Det Ny Samfund" (The New Society), which is organized with the general meeting (every year at Aug. 21, 2 pm) as the highest authority, meaning there is no board, nor a chairman. Decisions are mostly taken in consensus, but voting can also occur.
Thylejren is a social experiment in it's 40'eth year!

The reasons why I chose to live here are legio, but most of all it's the personal freedom, which I can't find elsewhere in Denmark, that attracted me in the first place. Here I can express myself in any way I want to - and my neighbours will understand - or at least try to!
Furthermore the nature around here is the wildest and windiest in Denmark - and I love the wind in my hair!

The place also calls for spirituality, diversity and tolerance.
At the same time it's got the characteristics of a small village as well, gosipping about each other, caring for each other, and last, but not least, after
living here for some years, it feels like a family!